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Last week my beloved sister, Ayla Willow, and I ran a workshop specifically for men to understand the menstrual cycle. This was our invitation to them;

Dear Brothers

Do you want to understand the women in your life; your partner, sisters, daughters, friends and colleagues? Having an understanding of the menstrual cycle is your golden ticket to understanding the changing nature of women.

In this 2.5 hour workshop on Zoom, you will be introduced to a simple framework that will help you to understand the changing hormones and energies that a woman experiences throughout her cycle.You will get to meet the dynamic nature of the feminine. Four very distinct flavours that shifts as she moves through the cycle. From soft and playful, to open hearted and extroverted, to wild and potent, surrendered and inwards.This will be a space for you to ask questions, share experiences, receive support and be offered a new frame to view the menstrual cycle in a completely new light.

We were really moved by the amount of women that got in touch, thanking us for running the workshop. One woman expressed her grief for not yet connecting with the kind of man that would be interested in understanding her in this way. One woman expressing hope for a deeper union with men and another saying “fucking radical and yet totally obvious”.

20 amazing men attended the workshop with openness, curiosity, playfulness and enthusiasm. Here is a fabulous picture of the notes that one man created from the workshop alongside some beautiful testimonials.

If you are inspired to join the next workshop for men then you can email me

“I was so excited when I saw the Men and the Menstrual Cycle workshop advertised; I booked in straight away!  The whole workshop was amazing.  Eshana and Ayla held the Zoom room so well; they led with such a welcoming and open style and had a natural ease when inviting and managing attendee participation.  And wow, they know their stuff! … the workshop was jam-packed with tonnes of juicy goodness. As a partner, lover, son and father, I’m so grateful for the insights gained through their teaching and I can’t wait to bring more love and awareness to my relationships as a result!”

“Just want to thank you and Ayla from the bottom of my heart for the enthusiasm, love and care you brought into the workshop yesterday. It was quite a paradigm shift and the way you held the space made it fun and easy to digest. Feeling deeply inspired and grateful”

….and feedback from the women in relationship with some of the men got in touch to say….

“Sounds like you just held a powerful life changing workshop – my partner is super lit up and inspired”

“I heard that it was soft, touching and a beautiful success”

“My partner is seriously inspired”


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