I am beyond over the moon and excited that I have got a job teaching Sex Education in schools.
Many years ago I managed a large youth centre for 5 years and ran a sexual health drop in service for young people. They could access free condoms, chlamydia screening, pregnancy tests and emergency hormone contraception. I loved it so much and as part of that ran sex and relationships education in the local school.
Fast forward to now – when I work with adults in my psychosexual coaching practice, one of the questions I ask is how they developed their understanding of sex and sexuality. Most people explain that it was with their peers when they were a teenager.
I’m ridiculously excited to be able to provide young people with a positive frame of reference for what a healthy and embodied sexuality can look like. A real integration of all of my past and current work experience.
This has arrived at a time where I’m totally occupying my greatness, my strengths, my heart, the softness of my feminine nature and spirited passion of this wild warrior woman. Ooof thank you SO much Buddhafield for bringing me back home to myself. It feels sooooo good to be back, I am outrageously happy.
Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash