Now that was the easiest and breeziest premenstrual time I have had for a loooong time. No full on emotional wobble, no physical discomfort, a gentle descent into bliss. I literally had nothing to feel crunchy about – now THAT is worth celebrating. The theory and magic of the menstrual cycle holds true and continues to blow my mind after years of being tuned in. This month was smooth because:
– I let go of what was not serving me
– I had a hugely expansive time connecting with beloveds
– I am in alignment with my purpose
I also took great pleasure in noticing the signs of me moving towards my bleed. Recognising the subtle changes in our body and psyche can be such a powerful practice, I knew what I needed to journey down into my winter cave! I became sensitive to sound, I had less capacity to hold others, I needed less conversation and more being, and had this incredible deep and satisfying feeling of my cycles completion, half an hour before my bleed. Just epic!
My heart is wide open on day one of this new cycle, womby roots weaving her way deep into the earth’s core, powerful, soft, majestic.
This experience is not unique to me – if you wanna be a queen of your cycle, check out the ‘Menstrual Magic’ section here on my website – it’s full of golden treasured info & resources to support you with your menstrual cycle and cyclical living.
Love you