Dear Women, stop waiting for permission, you may never get it. The world has no template for your fullness, it must be taught by your example.
I absolutely love that quote by Isis Leor – she is such a great example of a woman who gives herself full permission to be herself.
I’m doing a really incredible 90 day programme with HeartIQ which has been helping me to develop my emotional hygiene, with myself and when in connection to others. I’ve found it to be a really powerful process.
One of the exercise invited us to list all of my desires, fantasy’s and sexual longings, things that I have done in the past or want to do in the future that I would be too embarrassed to share with others. The second part of the exercise was to see what shadow belief was operating underneath the words – enquiring into why this thing is embarrassing, or shameful, or considered “wrong”. The final part of the exercise was to share these with a buddy, which I did with a Beloved sister and I am quite blown away at the impact this exercise has had on my life.
What it has done is free up a lot of space and energy in my system. I’m not squashing these desires down, I’m bringing them out into the light, seeing, loving and accepting them. “Loving my humanity” as Christian Pankhurst from HeartIQ describes. I give myself permission to be that which I have been previously been rejecting, making me a more integrated person, taking ownership of my pleasure, my desires, my longings.
This process very much reminds me of my work with Psychosexual Somatics – as it is a process to uncover hidden beliefs that may be holding you back from having the intimacy, sexuality and connection that you deeply long for. Permission is such a big piece in this – do you give yourelf permission to be a sexual being, however that may look for you? And if you don’t have permission, why might that be? The work of PST can really help you unpick your sexuality, your desires, your longings so that you can step into the sex and intimacy that you most crave.
I’m running a special half price discounted rate until the end of July, for women who want to explore their sexuality and intimacy blocks. I’ve recently completely my course and want to continue getting more experience of working with the colourful palette of female sexuality – so if this sounds like you, then get in touch – you can contact me
Dear Women, stop waiting for permission, you may never get it. The world has no template for your fullness, it must be taught by your example.