This is me, oily and pretty floored after my first Lomi Lomi massage. A dynamic massage for a dynamic creature.
Since starting my exercise/eating plan back in the summer I’ve experienced some pretty wild energetic releases. I’m no stranger to energy/trauma release, but in the past 4 or 5 months it has taken on a very distinct quality. A lot of fear and anxiety and strong body movements, my solar plexus going solid as a rock – No particular story or memory attached, just full on energy moving. All I can do is trust and surrender to the wisdom of my body.
The massage I had this morning with Anja was like 6 months of talking therapy in 90 minutes. There were very specific areas of my body that needed to release, huge amounts of energy coming from my womb and lower back, shaking my body and letting go of the build up of gunk I’ve been carrying.
I was held with such warmth, tenderness, grace and trust as I lay naked with my hand on my heart and tears streaming down my face. The body holds the score. And there was also playfulness and lightness, laughter, aliveness and sensuality. Anja reminding me of my vitality alongside the complexity of being in this human body. All whilst being held in prayer, by the feminine, by a friend.
I’ve been sleeping pretty much all day as my body recalibrates, cancelled my ecstatic dance and am splodged out in the lounge. Being human – what a ride. I’m looking forward to booking in with Anja again, feels like some important deep healing I’m attending to.