My heart has just exploded after my old boss rang me out of the blue wishing me well for my trip. What was so wonderful is he had the most lovely risk assessment chat with me which showed that he cared. My brain has also just exploded as I have just got it – all you need is love. I had my final therapy session last week and I left with my heart full because not only have I learnt to love myself but also learnt to receive the most beautiful nurturing love. I put out a lot of love and care for people, hearts are hugely symbolic for me and I’ve just got it – because all I want and need is love.
I have people around me who radiate love and acceptance and it astounds me the impact that has on others. Maybe they get it too – all you need is love. What better way to make someone feel good than by showing that you care, that they are important, that they matter.
Give love, receive love, nurture the love within yourself.
Just one big love puddle – love love love ♥
I’ve finally got around to sitting and reading your blog.
I love that you’re allowing yourself to receive the love you deserve, from others and from yourself <3
YOU are an inspiration xXx